5 Things You Should Know About Small Concrete Repairs


When you are dedicated to doing your own concrete repairs, you should know all the tips on finishing this project before starting. You finally have the time to do a repair yourself and complete something you hope will be happy about. When it comes to starting a DIY project, you should always know the danger and risks associated with the project; when we say that, we don’t only mean how your body could be at risk but how there is a chance that you could lose valuable money and time from your own life. When you plan on renovating or repairing your own property, you should make sure that you are trained and have the appropriate knowledge to fish the job. 

  1. You will want to identify which damages have been done to the surface of the concrete you are repairing. Plastic shrinkage cracks usually run down the middle of concrete surfaces; they are distributed across the surface nervously and are usually not that deep in length. Hairline cracks are usually very thin and short in width, but they do have large depths. They are usually caused as concrete cures over time. 


  1. Make sure to find out what tools you need, to start your project, you will need a nylon brush to clean areas of debris and dust, you will also need a hammer and chisel to remove the damaged concrete. 


  1. Ask yourself which products you should use to repair larger or smaller damages; the best product to use is the Sakrete Concrete Crack Filler; it is great to get rid of small potholes and cracks. 


  1. It will never be guaranteed you can match the color of your old concrete when you are fixing damages. The color of your new cement or concrete all depends on the consistency of the product you are using; it also depends on how long you mix the product. 


  1. If you are wondering what would happen if you took too long to finish a small repair, we can tell you that many things could go wrong. Water is your enemy when you are repairing concrete damages; products like Sakrete Concrete Crack Filler can start to crack when they come into contact with water when they are setting. 


There are many things to consider when you complete your own repairs; you should always make sure you have the right knowledge and tools to start a project this big. When it comes to more considerable repairs or renovations, you might need to contact a professional for help. If you are looking for parking lot paving, pothole repairs, asphalt repairs, or concrete repairs in the GTA, contact Promain.